A huge white dog seen wandering the streets for over 4 months in a rural town was destined for a life of loneliness.
Thankfully, Los Angeles animal rescuer Megan Allen became aware of the Great Pyrenees after he began hanging outside of a woman’s home. She drove the 2 hours to Buttonwillow, California to save “Miles.”
Miles took some treats from her hand but wouldn’t let her leash him. The local fire department pitched in to help, but Miles didn’t want to be caught.
Although Megan was unsuccessful in rescuing Miles that first day, she reached out for help from Danny Spanks of A Safefuur Place Animal Rescue, as well as Mad Love Dog Rescue and the Kris Kelly Foundation.
Soon after rescuers mobilized to help save Miles!
Danny, with the help of new recruit Courtney, catch Miles when the dog wandered into a fence area and hung out with a Husky on the loose (the husky, named Luna, was returned home to her owner).
Miles may have been skittish after so long by himself, but once Courtney had a leash around his neck, Miles seemed pretty willing to get off the streets. In fact, Miles was all smiles when Megan came and picked him up to take him back to Los Angeles.
Just look at that happy face!
Miles days of walking the streets are finally over! After getting checked over by a veterinarian, Mad Love Dog Rescue found Miles a foster home.
“We were contacted he was found after wandering for what we’ve been told a year as a stray,” writes the rescue. “Thats a long time.. way too long. We named him Miles.. pretty fitting considering the miles he’s roamed.” (Ed Note: it is unclear if Miles had been a stray for a year or 4 months. Either way, it’s too long.)