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Jewel Was Near Death And Is Now Fighting For Life Like A Warrior Princess

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We first brought you Jewel’s story after Rescue Dogs Rock NYC issued an urgent plea for funds to keep their rescue operation running. We checked up on Jewel and this is yet another Rescue Dogs Rock NYC transformation you have to see to believe.

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Jewel, a six-month-old Weimaraner rescued from a New York City shelter, was rushed to the vet just in the nick of time. Comatose, near death, riddled with mange, secondary skin infections (discovered to be a result of poisoning), lethal levels of calcium and sodium in her blood, and pneumonia, no one was certain that this little lady would survive. It was around-the-clock care, love and determination that gave this girl the will to live.

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Since her veterinary bills are over $10,000 and mounting, every single donated cent meant a world of difference for this dog. Today, we’re thrilled to report that after a lengthy stay at both the specialty vet and their regular vet, Jewel has now settled right into her foster home.

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Though her skin is still cracked, and full of open sores, they will heal. Jackie O’Sullivan, Partner at Rescue Dogs Rock NYC told us that Jewel’s mange is being treated with a fairly new medication called Bravecto and she’s getting regular medicated baths. Her calcium levels, which at one time were critical, still need to be checked weekly, but are now consistently within normal range.

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Jewel’s foster mom Ann just adores her. Her son Matthew followed Jewel’s progress before she arrived in their home and he’s been showing her nothing but love as the two are often found sharing a snuggle. Jewel loves her soft blanket and is quick to crawl right onto a lap for a cuddle.

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At one time Jewel was unable to stand, let alone walk. Now she’s climbing the stairs so she can hang out with her foster siblings (canine and human alike), never wanting miss out on the mix. Jewel keeps Matthew company each morning as he gets ready for school and Ann describes her as “precious beyond words.”

She knows it will be difficult to give her up, but fostering animals in need is a part of her. There will be other Jewels and Ann wants to be sure that there’s always a space for them to rest, heal, recover, and find their way to their new furever homes. Jewel’s nickname is “The Warrior Princess,” and for good reason. From the brink of death to now full of life, she is a spokes-dog for survival. Jewel has found her voice. She’s barking, walking, talking, wagging her tail and getting every ounce of TLC she needs.

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