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Dog Lost At Sea For 5 Weeks Found Alive

This warrior dog swam over 2 miles to safety after falling overboard!

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A dog fell overboard during a fishing trip. Five weeks later, after being presumed dead, the miracle dog reappeared and has been reunited with her owner.

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Nick Hayworth stuck around for two days after losing Luna, his one-year-old German Shepherd/Husky-mix, in hopes she would turn up.

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Hayworth described Luna as a strong swimmer although the nearest land was San Clemente Island, over two-miles away.

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The naval unit on San Clemente joined Hayworth on his search for Luna but she was nowhere to be found. “It was really devastating to go from having this dog next to me every minute of my life to all of sudden, she’s gone in a flash,” Hayworth told ABC News. “I was heartbroken. I presumed she was dead.”

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One morning, five weeks later, staff at the naval installation on San Clemente arrived to work and saw something very strange – a dog wagging her tail at the side of the road. There are no domestic animals on the island.

Luna did not hesitate to greet her new found friends.

“They literally opened up the car door, whistled, and she jumped right in,” Navy wildlife biologist Melissa Booker told The San Diego Union-Tribune.

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Luna was brought to the San Diego zoo for an evaluation. Although she was underweight and malnourished, Luna was still in good health. The team determined she survived off rats and other rodents while on the island.

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Hayworth was reunited with his best pal on Thursday March 17 and he couldn’t have been happier.

“Beyond stoked to have Luna back,” Hayworth wrote on Facebook. “I always knew she was a warrior.”

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