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Beaten, Scared and Afraid, This Dog Wouldn’t Even Leave her Corner. See her now!

First she was cornered and facing against the wall; then she found a home, a sibling and her voice.

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When you see a dog pressing his/her head against the wall, cornered and avoiding to look at you but the vet has confirmed there is no medical condition causing this, you know you are looking at a serious case of abuse.

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What could possible make a dog like this? How bad was the dog beaten into submission that no matter how much love there is in your voice, he/she won´t even look at you?

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These are similar questions like the ones PAWS Animal Rescue Ireland group asked when they received a dog so afraid to turn around from her corner, that it seemed like an impossible job to make her trust again. It was July 2015 and this is how Angel (now Cara) looked like:

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But the rescue group put an effort in this precious dog’s recovery, gave her a lot of love and little by little she started seeing the kind side of humans. A story with such a sad beginning had a happy ending because Angel’s transformation was incredible. In this picture you can even see her smile.

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Now she has found her forever home and her humans, Michael and Theresa McGrath, are making sure Cara (that’s her name now) is compensated from the abuse she suffered with lots and lots of love. Just look at her now!

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But wait… There is more. She even has a sibling now with whom she can cuddle, play and even argue about who’s getting the spot in the couch.

It will always amaze me how some love and attention can turn the saddest dog around and bring the smile back into his/her face.

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