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Family Wanted To Euthanize Their Injured 10-Year-Old Dog Because He’s “Too Old”

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Sidewalk Specials came across Harvey in De Doorns, South Africa, after neighbors reported that he had been attacked by vicious stay dogs days prior, leaving him with deep wounds.

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Instead of getting him help and caring for him, his owners didn’t want him any longer and wanted him euthanized due to his “old age.”

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But Harvey is only ten years old and still has a lot of life left in him.

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Sadly, his wounds are infected and he has tick bite fever, but both are being treated and he is now in good hands. Harvey is expected to make a fully recovery and he is in good spirits, despite what he’s gone through.

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At his previous home, he was kept on a chain 24/7, which became embedded in his neck. He is feeling much better now that he is free.

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Harvey is good with both dogs and cats, and loves going for walks and cuddling on the couch.

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