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Dog’s Lucky To Be Alive After He Clung To Ice Patch On Detroit River For 4 Days

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A dog has miraculously survived after spending four days on a patch of ice along the Detroit River.

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The dog, now named Alfonso, was chased out further into the river by a coyote. Multiple people tried to rescue the pooch, but the fragile ice made it a difficult feat.

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La Salle Fire and Rescue tried to reach him, but to no avail.

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Finally, a Canadian boater ended up reaching him, after searching for him for a half hour. Alfonso was very scared and hid in trees while his frozen body shivered with both fear and coldness.

The boater grabbed the freezing one-year-old pup and brought him back to shore.

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Alfonso is now receiving care at the Woodhaven Animal Hospital. Vets at the hospital are shocked that Alfonso even made it out alive, and says that a dog like him should never have survived out there for four days.

It’s unknown if Alfonso was a stray or if he belonged to someone, but the fact that he hadn’t been groomed in a while helped save his life. The extra hair on his body was able to keep him warm, otherwise he would’ve died from hypothermia.

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He is now recovering from frostbite, pancreatitis and dehydration, but is thankfully improving with each passing day.

Vets put him in a hyperbaric chamber, and put him on IV fluids and antibiotics to kick-start his recovery.

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He is now doing much better and able to eat on his own. Vets removed his matted hair and put him in a sweater to keep him warm.

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