There’s a lot we can learn from the resilient spirit of a formerly mistreated dog -and this pup named Tarzan is certainly no exception.
Volunteers from Hope for Paws, a California-based animal rescue group, recently came to aid of the frightened stray, who’d been living for weeks in brambles on the side of a freeway. It’s unclear how he came to be there, desperately clinging to life all alone, but he seemed to understand the moment when his sad ordeal was finally drawing to an end.
Lisa Arturo and Joann Willz, members of Hope for Paws, went to go see the dog. The young women started by attempting to calm the animal by speaking to him softly and giving him treats. The dog was finally able to be coaxed out and Lisa and Joann were able to approach him.
Lisa was able to little by little place the leash around his next, to make sure the dog, named Tarzan, wouldn’t run away.
Once the leash was around Tarzan’s neck, Lisa and Joann took him in their arms and pulled him from the bushes. Extremely weak, the animal couldn’t even walk. Lisa sat with him on the ground, the pooch cuddled up to her, reassured, wagging his tail.
Joann and Lisa had to carry Tarzan to the car because he couldn’t make it any further. The canine was taken for a more in-depth exam with a veterinarian. His face couldn’t hide it: Tarzan was infinitely thankful to the two women who saved him.
Suddenly, he never stopped wagging his tail, as this touching video of his rescue shows.