Animal abandonment is beyond cruel. It is also against the law. Yet some heartless people do not care. Rescuers are called in time and time again to save these poor creatures. Thankfully for one dog, that was struggling for days inside a sewer pipe, help was on the way!
The little dog, later named Paco, was cruelly dumped inside a sewer pipe filled with sludge, bugs, and filthy water. He was scared and the sludge was too thick for him to move. He shook from fear. He shook from the cold. It was a devastating thing to see.
A man named Roberto that was riding his bike found the dog and called a local animal rescue. They came as quickly as they could. Rescuing the dog wouldn’t be easy. They had to crawl inside the pipe and drag his body out, careful not to injure him further. A kind woman did her very best not to traumatize Paco further.
It took time, patience, and finesse but finally, Paco was in safe hands. It was time for the rescue group to bring him to the vet clinic. The poor dog was so cold and continuously shook for many reasons. He hadn’t eaten, he was dehydrated, and he was very scared. Paco’s new human friends did all they could to try and soothe him.
As Paco was examined, they saw that he was covered in worms and slugs. To get a better look at his body, they had to gently bathe him. Paco wasn’t thrilled but they used warm water and a gentle touch. The brave dog started to understand that these people were there to help him.
After his bath, Paco underwent medical testing. X-rays revealed that he had a spinal fracture. Oh no! Is this why his owner cruelly abandoned him? Was this injury accidental or done on purpose? All that mattered now was to make sure Paco wasn’t in pain. But even with IV fluids and pain medication, Paco struggled.
One volunteer from the animal rescue decided to stay with Paco around the clock. She brought an air mattress and slept on the floor beside his kennel. She made sure she gave him as many hugs and kisses as she could. The vet was honest: Paco’s chances of survival were slim.
They did all they could for Paco for two weeks but his health kept declining. His organs shut down one by one– and the only humane thing to do was to let him cross the rainbow bridge. While Paco’s passing is very sad, he didn’t pass away on his own. He would have died alone in that sewer pipe if it weren’t for Roberto, the kinda animal rescuers, and an amazing medical staff.
May Paco rest in peace. Animal rescues are vital. Even if an animal doesn’t make it, it is so important that they live their remaining days feeling loved and not suffering alone. To see Paco’s full story, check it out below. Thank you to all who made Paco’s remaining days comfortable.
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