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4-Year-Old Mastiff Gives Birth To 21 Puppies

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Everyone gets excited whenever a pet dog gives birth, and the number of offspring is always a wonder.

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Meet Shadow

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A Neopolitan Mastiff named Shadow gets pregnant at the age of four, and her owners are more than excited to see her babies.

They Expect 10 Baby Shadows

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According to Stacey Raw, Shadow’s owner, they would be happy enough to see their dog give birth to 10 tiny puppies.

Shadow Goes Into Labor

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The whole family gathered around Shadow to give her strength while she delivered three little puppies. But they noticed that something was off, so they immediately rushed her to the vet.

An Unexpected Number

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The vet performed a C-section on Shadow and was surprised when they pulled another 18 puppies out of the dog’s tummy.

A Record-Holder

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Shadow now holds the Australian record of giving birth to the most puppies.

The Family Was Overwhelmed

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At first, Stacey’s family was wondering how they would manage to take care of all of the puppies, but soon enough, they developed a nursing schedule for the tiny Shadows.

18 Additional Family Members

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Although three of Shadow’s babies did not make it, the other 18 were instantly adopted into Stacey’s family.

We’re All In This Together

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Shadow is indeed lucky to have such loving owners to look after her and her babies.

Watch how Shadow earned the Australian record of having the most babies in the video below.

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Watch Video Here:

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