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Baby With Down Syndrome Is Loved By Millions After Showing Adoptive Mom Her ‘New Smile’

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While enjoying some tummy time, an 8-month baby girl with Down syndrome gives her adoptive mom the cutest new smile! The video of this adorable moment has quickly gone viral.

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Smiling is the universal language of kindness and happiness. A smile has immense power, it conveys feelings of joy, hope, and positivity to anyone who sees it.

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The smile of an adorable baby girl with Down syndrome has won the hearts of millions of people! The little girl smiled at her adoptive mom, and luckily, her mother captured it on camera!

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After the National Down Syndrome Adoption Network shared the super-cute video with the caption “New smiles are the best smiles!”, it has been seen by over 21 million people, and has garnered over 311K reactions and more than 36K comments!

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The baby, named “Baby H” until her adoptive parents are going through the procedure of adopting her, was only eight months at the time.

While the baby was lying on her blanket at their home in Texas, enjoying some tummy time, her mother asked her how her day was going.

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Next, she brightened up the day of millions of people!

The mother explained that Baby H just woke up one day with this brand new smile that is completely perfect!

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She said:

“We noticed it several times and realized she was showing us a cheesy grin — we laughed and laughed every time she did it and she just loved the attention. “

The mom noted that Baby H could do her smile on cue, and when she asked her “Ohh I love your new smile! That is the cutest! Can you show me again?”, the little girl repeated it.

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She explained:

“You can tell by my laughter how much we adore this smile and she actually only smiled like this for a couple of weeks so this video is a treasure for us. “

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Baby H’s mom said:

“We hope that all the viewers will see the beauty that lies in people with Down Syndrome. Although a Down Syndrome diagnosis can be scary, the reality is that your child has a purpose and will be able to live a full and happy life.”

Watch this adorable smile below:

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