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Man Leaves Dog In Car While At Store, Records Video That Has Internet Cracking Up

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Have you ever just decided you’d rather wait in the car while someone runs a quick errand only to get really annoyed when it takes WAY longer than you expected?

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It’s boring and it feels like such a waste of time – especially if you’re like Fern, who clearly has things she needs to be doing.

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When running errands goes wrong!

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In case you hadn’t guessed, Fern is a boxer puppy. At the time, she was just 18-months old, but she already managed to develop quite the attitude. And anyone who has owned a boxer knows just how willing they are to express their annoyance.

Boxers are the masters of giving dirty looks, like the famous boxer side-eye.

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But in this case, her owners Graham and Fiona Haddow had stopped off for a quick trip to a gallery (Mrs. Hadow is an artist).

Fern found herself with few ways to express just how DONE she was with this errand-running business.

So she did what any dog would do in that situation – she sidled into the driver’s seat and relentlessly laid on the horn for 15 minutes.

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By the time they came out 15 minutes later, they saw a crowd gathered around their car – and they understandably freaked out.

“I came out of the gallery and looked down the street and saw a crowd of people standing around, pointing at my car,” said Mr. Haddow. “I started running because I was worried something had happened to her.”

When they got to Fern, they realized that she was surrounded by people laughing and taking photos.

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When she saw her dad, she pulled a classic boxer move. She looked at him with a side-eye glance and continued to lay on the horn.

The puppy seemed to enjoy going out with her parents and the windows were cracked on that March day. While some people don’t like the idea of leaving dogs in cars under any circumstances, Fern was fine. She was just REALLY annoyed.

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Previously, she had claimed the driver’s seat as her own when they left her alone, but she hadn’t discovered the horn.

It’s a sound that most dogs don’t like, but Fern seemed keenly aware of the effect it was having – and she cared little about how it might be annoying mere humans.

“I think she is a bit of a diva. She just wants a bit of attention and she seems to have gotten her way this time… I might have to put something on the driver’s seat to stop her doing it again.”

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Of course, the Haddow’s aren’t mad. In fact, months earlier they were by the dog’s side as she fought for her life after developing meningitis. Luckily, she made a full recovery to become the bold and bossy dog she was on that day.

“She’s a typical boxer, she’s a bit stubborn, a bit mischievous and very friendly… She’s the best boxer we’ve had – she’s the eighth one in my lifetime,” he added.

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Of course, the Haddow’s aren’t mad. In fact, months earlier they were by the dog’s side as she fought for her life after developing meningitis. Luckily, she made a full recovery to become the bold and bossy dog she was on that day.

“She’s a typical boxer, she’s a bit stubborn, a bit mischievous and very friendly… She’s the best boxer we’ve had – she’s the eighth one in my lifetime,” he added.

Be sure to scroll down below to see some of the hilarious footage captured by a bystander.

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