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Funny Dog Shows He Can’t Be Tricked Into A Vet Visit

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When we tell our dogs to hop into the car, they eventually start to figure out where we’re taking them. If it’s the dog park the beach, or the vet, our pups really know where they’re going. It’s actually pretty amazing that dogs can associate different spots they see in the car with where they’re headed!

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Time For A Road Trip

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You’ve got to be careful though, sometimes our pets aren’t too fond of going to the veterinarian. This golden retriever especially isn’t too stoked to go to the doctors and we totally feel for him. Meet Lord Cartier a golden retriever who lives in North Carolina. Cartier is definitely an intelligent furry fella. He’s got a keen sense of where his owners are taking him and there’s no fooling him.

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Lord Cartier

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When his owners had to take Cartier to the vet they knew it would be a bit of a challenge. The moment he realized where his owners had taken him, he turned into stone. You can see how appalled he is to find out he’s not at the dog park… he’s at the vet. When his loving owners tried to get him out of the car, Cartier wouldn’t even budge.

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Not A Huge Fan Of The Vet

We definitely know what it feels like to hate going to the doctors. It’s not the coziest place to be, that’s for sure. So we totally understand why Cartier isn’t thrilled to hop out of the car. His eyes say it all in the hilarious video. Poor Cartier freezes to the car seat, with every bit of fear painted on his furry face.

No Foolin This Pup…

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Even when his owner tries to physically pull him out of the car, Cartier just stays glued to the seat. He’s probably thinking to himself, “No way, am I going to let my owners take me to the scary doctor’s office”… We’re sorry Cartier, but sometimes you’ve got to do things you just don’t want to do.

‘Please Don’t Make Me Go’

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This precious video has definitely captured our hearts, it has over 2 million views on YouTube. Once you watch it for yourself you’ll feel for sweet Lord Cartier. Golden retrievers are an especially intelligent breed, there actually the 4th smartest dog breed! So it makes sense how Cartier would know exactly where his owners were taking him. You’re one smart cookie Cartier.

Glued To The Seat

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By watching this video we’re sure it’s always a battle for his owners to take him to the vet. Cartier has it cemented in his brain what the vet looks like, so there’s no fooling this golden smarty. Maybe next time his owners will think of a new way to get him excited for the vet!

Too Cute To Handle

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Lord Cartier may be a Lord of sorts, but he’s still got to conquer his fear of the vet. We hope this appointment wasn’t too traumatizing for sweet Cartier! You won’t want to miss this adorable video.

Watch the full video below!

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