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Soldier Gets Back The Puppy He Rescued Overseas

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There’s something emotional about reunions. And when it comes to reuniting a deployed military man with his canine best friend, you have laid the groundwork for a sprinkler system that will pour out of the corner of your eye.

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Did we mention that his dog was rescued and adopted while the soldier was deployed in Syria? The layers of emotion on this story just pile so high it’s going to be hard to hold back the floodgates.

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This is U.S. Army Spc. Tyler Mosley of the 7th Special Forces Group. While deployed to Syria to fight ISIL, Mosley was stationed in an Army compound when an explosive ordnance disposal technician brought a puppy back to base with him. The dog was found next to her dead sibling.

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The puppy was as rambunctious as any puppy would be and she caught the attention of the soldiers.

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One soldier in particular became the center of this puppy’s attention.

“She didn’t know me, and she just came up to me and was licking me,”. “I fell in love with her.”

War-torn Syria is not the best place for a puppy to grow up alone.

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“I don’t think she would have lived. You see all the dogs out there, and they’re skinny, and they get distemper or they get sick.”

“Her having no one else, no other dog or anything, I don’t think she would have made it.” Mosely said.

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The Captain told everyone the next day that if no one was going to take care of the pup, they were going to have to get rid of her.

Mosley instantly decided he’d take care of the puppy.

Mosley named her Daisy, seeing that she was “something beautiful out of a bad place.”

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While Mosely was out on missions, Daisy was held in an old turkey coup. The two bonded so well that Daisy would cry when Mosely left her.

That’s why it has been so hard on Mosely after returning from Syria. He couldn’t take Daisy with him.

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Mosley worked with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals international to help him adopt Daisy and get her to America.
”She was in a bad place,”. “I just wanted her to be here so I could give her the love, the life that she wouldn’t have had there.”

Watch the video to see these two veterans reunited. And it’s okay you manly men out there, this is the time to put down your guard and try on a little vulnerability.

It’s not easy to hold back the emotions. These two have a strong bond that was separated by millions of miles and the Atlantic Ocean. When you see Daisy reunite with Mosely after three months of separation you’ll see what we mean.

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Send this along to anyone who knows about the friendship and bond between human and dog.

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